Your personal brand 
deserves some upgrades

Why do you need this service ?

Your personal
brand is your
biggest asset.

Your personal brand is what's create consistency in
your tone, messaging and overall image. It also allows
you to get closer to your fans, by sharing with them the
values you hold dear. Your personal branding is critical
for your success, especially if you are trying to grow using
social media and online platforms.

Create a
connection with
your fans

Make your
brand stand out

Let's create your visual brand identity

Your visual identity consists of all the visual elements of your brand. Typically,
these elements are the logo, color palette, typography and imagery.


The symbol
of your brand

Your logo represents your brand. It allows you to be
easily recognized and participates in the spreading of
your music. Most of the time, artists choose to have
either a pictorial logo or a word mark. No matter what
type of logo you choose, it is important that it
represents you and your style of music.


Colors have a more important role than you think. They are the first thing that people see of you, whether it's on a billboard, an album cover or a post on social networks. It helps create that consistency that is so important in your branding.

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Collaboration, the best
way to expand your brand

Collaborate with brands that share your values and ideas. Increase your revenue
and your audience thanks to the visibility that brands bring you. We contact the
brands that are relevant to you, and participate in the creation of the campaign
with you, constantly thinking about the benefits it will bring you.

We find brands
that looks like you

Do you need this service?
We would love to work with you

Request a free consultation with us and let's draw together the first steps of your artist's journey.

Request your free consultation:

Request your free consultation:

Frequently Asked Questions

Branding is all the visual or non-visual elements that relate to a brand. This includes the logo, fonts, colors, etc… The composition of all these elements is supposed to make you unique, and especially recognizable. 

Yes, branding for a small artist is very important. It is through branding that someone who discovers you will remember you, through branding that you can get attention or through branding that you will get collaborations with artists who match your artistic vibe. 

At many marketing agencies, branding is quite expensive. At Subdue Marketing, we specialize in developing small artists. Because of this, we know that you may not have a lot of money, especially for branding. That’s why we’re keeping it as affordable as possible with an initial package available for $299. 

Depending on the current state of your branding, we may or may not recommend that you let us work from scratch. If your current branding is very personal and you absolutely want to keep it, don’t worry, we always adapt to our clients’ requirements.


Your personal
brand deserves
some upgrades

Why do you need this service ?

Your personal
brand is your
biggest asset.

Create a
connection with
your fans

Make your brand stand out

Let's create your visual brand identity

Your visual identity consists of all the visual elements of your brand. Typically, these elements are the logo, color palette, typography and imagery.


The symbol of
your brand

Your logo represents
your brand. It allows you
to be easily recognized
and participates in the
spreading of your music.




Collaboration, the best way to expand your brand

Collaborate with brands that share your values and ideas.

We find
brands that
looks like you

Do you need this service? We would love to work with you

If you are interested by this service or just have questions, request a free consultation below to get started.

Request your free consultation:

Frequently Asked Questions

Branding is all the visual or non-visual elements that relate to a brand. This includes the logo, fonts, colors, etc… The composition of all these elements is supposed to make you unique, and especially recognizable. 

Yes, branding for a small artist is very important. It is through branding that someone who discovers you will remember you, through branding that you can get attention or through branding that you will get collaborations with artists who match your artistic vibe. 

At many marketing agencies, branding is quite expensive. At Subdue Marketing, we specialize in developing small artists. Because of this, we know that you may not have a lot of money, especially for branding. That’s why we’re keeping it as affordable as possible with an initial package available for $299. 

Depending on the current state of your branding, we may or may not recommend that you let us work from scratch. If your current branding is very personal and you absolutely want to keep it, don’t worry, we always adapt to our clients’ requirements.